The Cynsational Entrepreneur — Traffic
Analytics: The Secret to Pinterest Success is Free and Easy

Pinterest Analytics
When you visit the profile page for your Pinterest business account you will see two new options in the upper left hand corner next to the Pinterest icon. ANALYTICS and ADS. Each has its own drop down menu.
Click on Overview and you will get a quick look at how your account is performing. To dig a little deeper, click on one of the following: Profile, People You Reach, or Website.
Six Reasons to use Pinterest for Your Business

***UPDATED FOR 2021*** If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? We’ve all heard this before. Does sound really exist if no one hears it? Like that proverbial tree, if a blog post never gets read, does it attract clients to your business? No. Leveraging a blog to attract traffic to your business website its smart. But only if your blog post is read. Without traffic, your website, e-commerce site or blog are like trees falling in the forest. Making noise but no one is hearing....
Find Your Perfect Clients - Eleven Strategies to Build an Engaged Audience

Do you struggle to find new clients? Worry that you may not have enough business to pay the bills? Here are eleven proven strategies, all focused on building an engaged audience so you are able to book new clients quickly, whenever you need them. 1. Be Yourself You may think this is one of the most overused phrases, but it is the most powerful. You won’t connect with the right people until you are coming from a place of total transparency and honesty. Listen, share and evaluate—yourself as well as others. Be self-aware. Invest in coaching specifically in areas in...
Unlock the Secret Power of Your Business Blog

Whatever venture, whether online or brick & mortar, you are pursuing, an online presence is paramount to your success. The internet provides the largest forum for connecting with a wide variety of people. If you are looking for a way to show off your expertise and also make a little money while doing it, you must start a blog. What is a Blog? A blog is actually an online magazine or newsletter. You can publish daily (or even several times a day), weekly, or monthly. With a blog you can upload posts about anything that you want. Many people...
Top 10 Free Traffic Sources (Plus ONE BONUS)

Blogs are popular ways to create an online presence for personal and business reasons. You can build a blog for free and begin posting content right away. But, what good is that content if no one is reading it. Here are ten ideas to bring in the traffic your blog needs to survive. Of all the successful blogs on the Internet, hundreds more have failed. Running a blog for your business is like running a business. Unless you are willing to put the time in and treat it seriously. Your blog won't last long and it won't generate income or customers...