Live Up to Your Values
What does that mean? Live UP to your values.
Values are the basic beliefs we hold that guide our actions and shape our attitudes. I like to think of my values as boundaries that keep me on a good path. Some of the values I try to live up to: honesty, optimism, faith, and most of all integrity.
Peace, balance, consistency, discipline, courage, joy, liberty, and generosity are also values I aspire to. There are dozens of values you might choose to help guide you through the life:

Values are our guiding principles. But what does that have to do with mindset?
Confidence and self-esteem. Each and every day we all have to make decisions to hold true to our values. Every time a decision or action is taken that goes against our values, we lose a bit of confidence and self-esteem.
"Every human has four endowments - self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom .. the power to choose, to respond, to change." ~Stephen Covey
The single biggest factor of your self-esteem is your own values. And your confidence is a result of living up to those high standards.
Cultivate the personal integrity to live up to your own high standards.
Personal integrity in all aspects of life is essential - in how you run your business, in sticking to your diet, pushing yourself at the gym, learning new strategies and doing whatever it takes to meet your customer's expectations.
Don't let yourself slide. It is a slippery slope when you start cutting corners, "just this once." Soon enough, without even realizing it, your high values are full of holes and your integrity is a joke.
"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." ~Oprah Winfrey
Hold on to your integrity and stick to your values.