The Cynsational Entrepreneur — Entrepreneur

How to Optimize Your Time for Maximum Productivity

How to Optimize Your Time for Maximum Productivity

How many times have you said, “I need to find time” do that project, meet with that client, etc. Where are you going to FIND time? Is it hidden away or did someone else use some of your allotted time? Can you order more time from Amazon? (Believe me, I would if I could!) We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Why does it seem that some people get more done than others in that same amount of time? To be successful at anything we must learn to manage our time efficiently. We waste time on...

8 Strategies to Increase Your Entrepreneur Confidence

Cynthia Hull

Tags Entrepreneur, mindset, Online Business

8 Strategies to Increase Your Entrepreneur Confidence

In my last post, I offered 8 tips on stopping procrastination through increasing your self-confidence. In this week’s post I have 8 tips on increasing your entrepreneur confidence. As an entrepreneur/solopreneur or blogger, you may spend a lot of hours with your laptop or sitting at your desk. It is easy for doubt to creep in and zap your confidence. Here are 8 strategies to combat doubt and increase your confidence. Realize Your Clients Need and Want What YOU Offer Instead of expending energy trying to attract new clients, focus on the ones you already have. They already trust you....

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